Twenty is Plenty in Camden


From 16 December Camden will have a 20mph speed limit across the borough to improve road safety and create a calmer and more pleasant street environment.

Slower speeds play a big part in reducing road collisions and casualties for all road users, with drivers having more time to react to avoid a collision, and if one occurs the injuries are not as severe. It also creates a calmer, more pleasant environment, and it is expected that it will encourage more people to walk and cycle.

Much of Camden is already covered by a 20mph limit, and the borough-wide roll-out will provide more consistency to drivers and will be more cost-effective than continuing to introduce the limit area-by-area.

The public consultation on the borough-wide limit showed overwhelming support for the change, with 67% of those responding supporting a 20mph limit.

The limit will be introduced with signage and road-markings only. Camden will undertake regular and extensive speed surveys around the borough to measure the effectiveness of the scheme

Where speed continues to be a problem Camden will consider additional measures to improve the effectiveness of the new limit. This includes changing the street design, and introducing traffic calming measures and additional signage where appropriate.

Councillor Phil Jones, Cabinet Member for Sustainability, Planning, and Transport, said:

“We are committed to improving road safety and reducing the borough speed limit to 20mph will play a big role in helping to reduce road danger.

As well as creating a more pleasant environment in Camden, slower speeds will help to reduce road collisions and casualties for all road use

Superintendent Gary Buttercase, Camden Police, added:

"Any measure that will help improve the safety of Camden's road network is going to have our support.  This approach could be key to achieving public safety and with Camden becoming busier and busier in recent years, it could be an effective way to ensure that there are less traffic injuries or deaths in the borough."

Want to know more?  Click here to visit Camden's 20mph webpage

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