Seen a Sloppy? Boris to the Rescue?


Boris has declared 'war' on "sloppy" and "badly‑managed roadworks".

He's just introduced new, tighter standards for roadworks and made it easier for you to tell TfL when you spot sloppy examples so they can take action to sort it out. Boris will bike down there personally with his hard hat and shovel to fill in the offending company, er... I mean hole - actually I think I'm over-stating what he'll do.

You can report sites that don't come up to scratch at

And, as if the prove how 'wivit' they are, you can also tweet problems @report_it using the hashtag #roadworks

TfL has pledged that all its roadworks will meet the new standards. All organisations working on TfL's roads will be monitored using CCTV and traffic police community support officers.

Most roads in London are managed by local boroughs, so Boris asking them to meet the standards too. Your reports will be passed directly to the relevant authority, and his team will work to ensure improvements are made.

The Greater London Authority wants to get laws put in place by next year that allow them to properly charge for working on the roads - creating a real incentive to do works with minimum disruption.

In the meantime, report a sloppy roadwork on the TfL website.  Click here.

And have a look at the codes of conduct here

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