20mph Consultation


Consultation runs from 11 Feb 2013 to 25 Mar 2013


Camden would like to know your views about a possible borough-wide 20 mph speed limit.

Camden is proposing to introduce the 20 mph speed limit on all roads that that manage within the borough.

This excludes ‘red routes’ which are Camden Road, Camden Street, Euston Road, Finchley Road and Hampstead Road as these roads are managed by Transport for London (TfL).  Camden would still like your opinion on whether the red routes should be included as well so that they can discuss with TfL potential future inclusion (see map).
A borough-wide 20 mph speed limit will be implemented by using signage and road markings only; there will not be any additional speed humps or speed cushions installed as part of this scheme.
    •    It is expected that a 20 mph speed limit will reduce the number of people killed and injured on Camden’s roads.
    •    20 mph zones already exist in most of Camden’s neighbourhoods and the 20 mph limit will fill in the gaps, making it more consistent and easy to follow (see map on following page for detail on the 20 mph zones and limits already in place in Camden).
    •    By making our roads safer and more pleasant to use this will encourage more walking and cycling
    •    A 20 mph speed limit may increase journey times on some roads and at certain times but we do not expect this will be significant.
    •    There could be an increase in traffic congestion (traffic jams), but is not known if this will be the case.  If there is an increase it is only expected at a few locations and not across the borough.

Here is an extract from Camden's FAQ

Who will enforce the new speed limit?
The Met Police are responsible for enforcing speed limits in London. Their resources for speed
enforcement are limited as they need to prioritise other issues, such as anti-social behaviour and
violent crimes. To make the most of the resources available for speed enforcement, the Police
prioritise roads with high collision rates, which is an approach that Camden Council supports. We are
discussing future enforcement in Camden with the police and encourage them to continue
enforcement at collision hotspots, including 20 mph streets where necessary. We are not relying on
the police increasing resources for speed enforcement for this scheme to succeed, although this
would be welcomed.

Why might red routes not be included in the borough-wide 20 mph limit?
As described above, the ‘red route’ network is managed by Transport for London (TfL), not Camden
Council. TfL has said that it may consider changing the speed limit to 20 mph on the ‘red route’ on a
case by case basis – and has done so on Camden High Street as part of a separate scheme. We will
work with TfL to make improvements on the ‘red routes’, based on your views.

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